Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Deposit sent and a tentative hunt date is set for May 28th - June 9th.
My list of critters are as follows, but is subject to change.
Kudu (x2)
Warthog (x2)
Steenebok (x2)
Springbuck (x2)

My First Safari

    I've been a hunter ever since I can remember. I'm not sure where I got it from, my father never hunted, nor did my grandparents. It was just something that always felt natural to me. I started out hunting rabbit and squirrels with my buddies from school. As we got older, several of us were bitten by the archery bug and we haven't looked back since. I've always preferred hunting big game over all others, but I consider myself an all-round hunter. Over the years I've harvested countless Michigan whitetail with both bow and gun, almost a dozen black bear (both in Mich. and Canada) and have had the good fortune to bag a couple of caribou during a bowhunt to Labrador, and a nice bull moose in Newfoundland.

    Henry David Thoreau once said, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." When I first heard this quote I was in my early twenties and I vowed never to be one of the masses. So far, I think I've lived up to it.

    Now at the age of 51 I feel it's time to fulfill a life long dream of hunting on the dark continent. The first thing one must do is find a good PH. After much searching I settled on Fort Richmond Safaris, owned by the Wayland family in South Africa. They can be reached at: wayland@fortrichmond.co.za
Several of my acquaintances have hunted with the Waylands on numerous occasions so I felt comfortable booking with them. Accompanying me will be my youngest son Kyle, now a freshman in college.
Let the planing begin!